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The Jack has an affinity for how they interact with the dream. This Affinity will often also influence the attitude and style of your Jack. As you level up you get more attuned to your affinity and gain new features related to it. You will pick one from the 8 Affinities that contrast each other in pairs: 

Warring and Peaceful, Chaotic and Orderly, Spontaneous and Organised, Joyous and Melancholic 

Let's also switch to referring to "you", rather than "your Jack", in order to get you thinking about you as your unique Jack and the character you are going to play.



Dreams of great battles and heroic feats of strength are what you are drawn to. You would rather bash your way through a dream than slink through it interacting with all the occupants.

Level 1

You are an intimidating figure in the dreams. Decisive rolls that rely on intimidation are one difficulty easier. In addition, You take extra care in designing your weapon. Your weapon has an additional Augment of your choice.

A augment is a modification to a weapon that changes its condition table or changes how it works.

Level 3

As a warrior you are able to show aggression without having it taken too personally. Once per scene you may attack an occupant without increasing the Hostility of the dream.

Dream hostility is recorded on the hostility scale from 0 to 20. Certain points along the scale change how occupants react to the Jacks.

Level 2

You have trained to become more skilled with your weapon. You gain an Extra Attack each round. 

An extra attack allows the Jack to make another attack action during their round. Note that this could be used to do an ability and attack.

Level 4

"Starting a battle right now would be pretty fun for everyone involved right?" Once per dream you may start a combat with the occupants without increasing the Hostility of the dream.

Dream hostility is recorded on the hostility scale from 0 to 20. Certain points along the scale change how occupants react to the Jacks.

Level 5

You have an overwhelmingly scary presence in dreams. At the beginning of the round all nearby occupants roll a d6, on a 1,2,3 or 4 they are Feared

Must move their full move distance away from the source of feared during the round. Fades.


A dream that is calm is where you aspire to be. Having the time to think through decisions in a way that suits everyone comes easily to you. 

Level 1

De-escalation is easier for you to achieve. Decisive rolls where you are trying to calm the situation, you find one difficulty easier. In addition, You bring a sense of calmness to moving through the world. Your party's first Negative Interaction each scene does not increase the dreams Hostility.

Dream hostility is recorded on the hostility scale from 0 to 20. Certain points along the scale change how occupants react to the Jacks.

An interaction where the Occupant, Aura or Mark is threatened, embarrassed or otherwise negatively affected by the Jacks. Attacking or using an aggressive ability is more than a negative interaction.

Level 3

Your presence encourages occupants to second guess their attacks. Prevent one attack from hitting you or a nearby Jack or occupant each round.

Level 2

You enjoy dreams where everyone is getting on with each other. When the Hostility level is Friendly or above gain 1 perceptive.

Friendly is a state of the dream 6 or below on the hostility scale where occupants start to cooperate with the Jacks.

Dream hostility is recorded on the hostility scale from 0 to 20. Certain points along the scale change how occupants react to the Jacks.

Level 4

You form strong pacts with the Occupants of a dream when given the chance. Once you reach 3 on the Hostility Scale, it takes your party attacking the occupants to move the scale above this.

Dream hostility is recorded on the hostility scale from 0 to 20. Certain points along the scale change how occupants react to the Jacks.

Level 5

You hold the memories of the allies you make in dreams.

Once per scene you can draw on support from an Allied Occupant you have had from a previous dream. 

Allied is a state of the dream 3 or below on the hostility scale where occupants go out of their way to help the Jacks.



Many years of dreams filled with flying circus parks, dragon elephants and houses made of mirrors have prepared you for the heights of chaos and you lean into it.

Level 1

You prefer a more chaotic state of the dream. Your Wake Point and

Lucid Point moves up by 1 on the

Chaos ScaleIn addition, you see success in chaos. Your Orderly Successes become

Chaotic Successes and your 

Chaotic Failures become

Orderly Failures.

The point on the Chaos scale where wake checks start to get made. This is 17 and above for most Jacks.

The point on the Chaos Scale where Lucidity checks start to get made. This is 3 and below for most Jacks.

The Chaos Scale represents how chaotic the dream is and effects abilities, dream weaving and some weapon augments.

Usually, a roll of 20 on a decisive roll that results in a success that is more permanent and accurate towards what was intended. Chaos scale also moves down 1.

a roll of 20 on a decisive roll that results in a success that is so chaotic that it just might work. Chaos scale also moves up 1.

Usually, a roll of 1 on a decisive roll that results in a failure where something chaotic happens. Chaos scale also moves up by 1.

a roll of 1 on a decisive roll that results in a failure so boring that nothing really happens. Chaos scale also moves down 1.

Level 3

You inspire chaos in yourself and others. Once per scene you may give any Jack the 

Chaos Conduit condition. 

The next ability will have its Chaos effect. Removes one stack when the ability is used. Stacks.

Level 2

Your comfort in chaotic dreams helps to ease your party members. You and Other Jacks minus 2 from their

Wake Checks as long as the

Chaos Scale is 15 or above.

A special roll that usually occurs when an Aether drops to -4 from permanent conditions or when the chaos scale gets too high. Failing the roll results in the Jack waking up.

The Chaos Scale represents how chaotic the dream is and effects abilities, dream weaving and some weapon augments.

Level 4

You become more likely to create chaos effects with your abilities. Your abilities now have their Chaos Effect at 1-6 rather than 1-3

Every ability has a chance to cause a chaos effect when rolling a 1,2 or 3. This is a change or addition to the ability that is more unpredictable or detrimental.

Level 5

You are so used to chaos that you become very familiar with how it manifests and have learned to avoid the dangerous ones. You cannot receive conditions from a                Chaos Condition Roll.

Chaos conditions are rolled on a list. The die roll determines the elemental condition that is applied.
1. Hot
2. Cold
3. Wet
4. Zapped
5. Grounded
6. Burning
7. Charged
8. Fugued
9. Shifted
10. Frozen
11. Paralysed
12. Petrified


You enjoy dreams that resemble the masterpieces of humanity. You enjoy dreams with roads that always lead somewhere or puzzles without missing pieces. You are no fool to recognising the slightest crack in a dreamscape trying to merge with reality.

Level 1

You prefer dreams that resemble reality. Your Wake Point and

Lucid Point moves down by 1 on the Chaos Scale. In addition, you enter a dream primed for order. Your first 1 rolled on a decisive roll per dream is treated as an Orderly Success

The point on the Chaos scale where wake checks start to get made. This is 17 and above for most Jacks.

The point on the Chaos Scale where Lucidity checks start to get made. This is 3 and below for most Jacks.

The Chaos Scale represents how chaotic the dream is and effects abilities, dream weaving and some weapon augments.

Usually, a roll of 20 on a decisive roll that results in a success that is more permanent and accurate towards what was intended. Chaos scale also moves down 1.

Level 2

Your awareness of the cracks in orderly dreams helps to ease your party members. Yourself and Other Jacks minus 2 from their Lucidity Checks and Wake Checks as long as the

Chaos Scale is 5 or below.

A special roll that usually occurs when the Chaos Scale gets too low. Failing the roll results in the Jack forgetting they are in a dream losing all features of being a Jack.

A special roll that usually occurs when an Aether drops to -4 from permanent conditions or when the chaos scale gets too high. Failing the roll results in the Jack waking up.

The Chaos Scale represents how chaotic the dream is and effects abilities, dream weaving and some weapon augments.

Level 3

You help yourself and others to control their abilities. Once per scene you may give any Jack the Order Conduit condition. 

The next ability will have its Order effect. Removes one stack when the ability is used. Stacks.

Level 4

You become more likely to have Order effects with your abilities. Abilities now have their Order Effect at 15-20 rather than 18-20.

Every ability has a chance to cause an order effect when rolling a 18,19 or 20. This is a change or addition to the ability that is more permanent or predictable.

Level 5

You always remember how a dream felt when you entered it, and so can return it to that point. Once per dream, reset the dream to where it started on the Chaos Scale.

The Chaos Scale represents how chaotic the dream is and effects abilities, dream weaving and some weapon augments.



You take to flying by the seat of your pants, being equally prepared for everything by being prepared for nothing. Luck however, tends to be on your side.

Level 1

Luck is on your side. You have a number of Re-rolls equal to your level that you can use for any roll. In addition, you act first and worry later. Decisive rolls that involve many unknowns, such as jumping into a dark pit are one difficulty easier.

You may re-roll any die roll but you must take the new roll. Sometimes Re-rolls may be saved up and used later.

Level 3

You tend to be ready for anything. You cannot receive the Surprised condition.

Cannot attack, use abilities, or move again. Fades.

Level 2

You have a knack of stumbling into secrets and less wanted guests. When you cross large dream distances or find yourself lost, roll a d20, on a 20 you find a Secret, on a 1 you find a Nightmare

Some areas, objects or creatures are secret and can only be found by snooping around the dream. They are often beneficial in some way.

Nightmares are long term detriments that build up over time, negatively affecting the Jack until they do something about it.

Level 4

Exploring unique dream landscapes is something you excel at. Decisive rolls involved in navigating dream settings that have no ties to reality are one difficulty easier.

Level 5

Luck now holds your hand in all instances. Double your number of Rerolls.

You may re-roll any die roll but you must take the new roll. Sometimes Re-rolls may be saved up and used later.


You come into a dream with a plan. In addition to this you spend your free time thinking about all the potential scenarios you might come across and how you would deal with them. 

Level 1

You have visualised a few outcomes of a dream in advance. At the beginning of the dream, pre-roll a 20-sided-die a number of times equal to your Jack's level. Take note of the numbers rolled, you can use up these rolls for any decisive roll, ability roll or wake check roll instead of attempting that roll normally. In addition, you are quick to make plans. Decisive rolls that involve organising information or people are one difficulty easier. 

Level 3

You usually have too many ideas of what you could do in any situation. You cannot receive the Indecisive condition.

Cannot make decisive rolls.

Level 2

You come prepared to every dream. You can bring an extra Trinket into a dream.

The dream's hostility scale is at 6 or below.

Level 4

You have memorised the layout of many common natural and world wonders. You know the general map and location of Secrets of dreams with settings similar to world wonders. 

Some areas, objects or creatures are secret and can only be found by snooping around the dream. They are often beneficial in some way.

Level 5

You have planned for every situation plausible. Double your Pre-rolled 20-sided-dice.

Roll a die at the beginning of the dream, you can use up this rolls for any decisive roll, ability roll or wake check roll instead of attempting that roll normally.



You are out here loving life.

Level 1

If at first you don’t succeed, try again. Your first attempt with a decision roll cannot lead to a normal Failure, instead there is a Complication and you can try again. (note it can still be a chaotic failure) In addition, you soak up the atmosphere when you enter a dream. You begin dreams with the Perceptive condition.

Not succeeding at a decisive roll leading to what was trying to be done, not getting done and potentially a narrative consequence or receiving a condition.

A negative narrative event occurrence or condition received, usually due to only just passing a decisive roll.

+1 Empathy. Cancelled by Panicked. Cannot be Surprised or Doubtful.

Level 3

Succeeding at something gives you a boost of joy that helps you out. When you succeed on a decision roll remove a Basic Condition.

The 3 basic conditions are Pained, Hazed and Shaken.

Level 2

You bring extra liveliness to the dream. Once per scene you may have the GM add extra occupants, objects or landmarks to the dream.

Level 4

Your Joy is contagious and can inspire other Jacks around you. Once per scene you can grant an Allied Jack a Re-roll they can use at any time. 

Allied is a state of the dream 3 or below on the hostility scale where occupants go out of their way to help the Jacks.

You may re-roll any die roll but you must take the new roll. Sometimes Re-rolls may be saved up and used later.

Level 5

You smuggle fireworks into all of your dreams. You have a pallet of fireworks which when used, apply Distracted, Deafened and Self-Confident for 10 rounds. Alternatively, they can be used to apply Burning and Pushed to a target and all those nearby, a new target is chosen at random each round for 9 rounds. The fireworks take a round to set up.

If Judged, apply Glazed then remove Judged and Distracted. If Doubtful, apply Panicked then remove Doubtful and Distracted.

All decisive rolls involving hearing are one difficulty harder per stack. If the stacks are equal to the effected things ear number, then hearing decisive rolls become impossible. Stacks.

+1 Lucidity. Cancelled by Wounded. Cannot be Feared or Judged

Burning applies a random Basic Condition per stack at the end of each round. Cancels one Frozen stack. Cancels Wet. Stacks. Fades.

Move 25DU away from the direction of the condition source. Applies Prone if Loose Footing.


You expect the worst outcome in most situations and find building up the energy to get through obstacles to be very draining. When you do find a solution though, it is usually one that blows the problem right out of the park. 

Level 1

You may dislike trying at most things but every now and then you give it your all. All decisive rolls you make are one difficulty harder. Once per scene you may automatically succeed on a decision below the dire difficulty (18+). In addition, occupants and auras see you as less of a threat. As long as there is another Jack nearby, they will be targeted instead of you. 

Level 3

Sometimes you think it's better to fail in a controlled way rather than trying to succeed in the first place. You may choose to fail a decision roll without making the roll to receive a

lesser Complication

A negative narrative event occurrence or condition received, usually due to only just passing a decisive roll.

Level 2

You tend to doubt yourself. You begin each dream with the Doubtful condition.

If Distracted, apply Panicked then remove Doubtful and Distracted. If Judged, apply Wounded then remove Judged and Doubtful.

Level 4

You can choose to put off others around you. Once per scene you can force an opposing Jack or occupant to

Re-roll the roll they just made.

You may re-roll any die roll but you must take the new roll. Sometimes Re-rolls may be saved up and used later.

Level 5

You're used to feeling forgotten about but have learnt to use it to your advantage. Once per dream you can simply look at a target to apply the Forgotten condition to an occupant or the Shifted condition for 3 rounds to a Jack or Aura.

The occupant vanishes and cannot be recreated or restored.

Cannot interact or be interacted with by other Jacks, Occupants or Auras. Stacks. Fades.

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