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In a world dominated by global corporations there are hardly any resources left for the general population, Anarchist are in a constant battle to try to pull wealth away from the corporation of the world. Some Anarchist groups are small, aiming to take down small branches of these corporations while others are underground societies that spread like mycelium over the whole world. 


One of these underground societies refer to themselves as Robins and are a wide network of thief's dens, with the combined goal of spreading wealth back to the people. Each den has a leader that refers to them self as Robin so that law enforcement can never be sure if they've caught the Robin making the calls. 

Your Jacks may work for one of these dens with the goal of entering the dreams of employers or heads of large companies in order to find where they are sending or storing their money. 



Chimera is a huge and expansive dream that never ends and acts as the hub of the underground society that shares the same name. It is a place of wonder and sanctuary for those that have found hard times in the Overworld. There are two leaders of Chimera, Typhon and Echidna, they are original Auras of this dream. They have somehow found a way to allow other dreamers to come and go from their dream whilst maintaining the expansions they make to Chimera. 

It isn't known whether Typhon and Echidna are consciousnesses that were perpetually lost in their dream or if they are pilots stuck in an induced comma to keep the dream going. either way, they create a place for people to find a sense of community and belonging away from the reality of the corrupt world. 

There are a few syndicates that are part of Chimera, some revolve around protecting Chimera from intruders, others involve trying to expand Chimera and bring in more dreamers. The Weaver are a Syndicate that works with new dreamers to expand the outskirts of Chimera, manipulating empty space at the edge of the Chimera.

Earth Shakers

Earth Shakers are anarchist syndicates with the goal of destroying the corporate monopolies that control the Overworld. They don't give themselves the name of earth shakers and many do not refer to themselves as such. Instead, the name comes from the achievements they have made in collapsing wings of organisations and disrupting the foundations they are built upon. 

Your Jacks may work for one of these Earth shaker syndicates with anything from small goals of disrupting an assembly line of dangerous goods to planning the collapse corporate capital buildings. 

Either way, many view Earth Shaker syndicates as either the heroes or villains of the Dream world.

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