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Mentality Jack

Mark Description

"My apple rotted in my hand as he came through the door. The conversation felt like a second as he was already leaving with the information that he wanted."


The Chronomancer is able to manipulate time withing the dream. this could be as simple at speeding up allies and slowing enemies or taking a dream back in time to have dinosaurs running around. 


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

The Chronomancer slightly speeds up all the Jacks while moving around the dream.

All Allied Jacks gain + 5 DU base move distance, this also means that you will generally reach places faster than an occupant that is going to the same place and left at the same time. 

The power of hindsight allows the Chronomancer to have always been prepared.

Once per scene, swap your trinket as though you had brought it in the first place. Split second ability.

The Chronomancer can backtrack the party's timeline placing them where they have previously stood. 

The party may teleport back to places they have previously been in the dream as long as they are not in rounds.

The Chronomancer had mastered the art of operating faster than everyone else in the dream.

Every round, you may do double what you usually can. Eg move twice, use and ability and use an attack.

The Chronomancer now adapts every scene to a time period of their liking.

At the start of every scene, the Chronomancer may move the scene forward or back in time to adjust the setting, the effects of this are decided on by the GM and the players. 


Level 1 - Time Shift

Level 2 - De-age 

Level 3 - Freeze Time

Level 4 - Accelerate

Level 5 - Rewind

The Chonomancer can speed up or slow down time on a small area.

Apply 5 Quickened or 5 Slowed to a target and anything adjacent to it. 

Move distance is halved. Cancels out quickened. Stacks only effect duration. Fades.

Move distance is doubled. Cancels out slowed. Stacks only effect duration. Fades.

Chaos Effect

The Chronomancer struggles to control the elements joining in.

All effected have, "If you move, receive Hot" and "if you stay stationary, gain Cold".

All base move distances are halved. Applies Frozen if Wet. Cancels Hot.

All base move distances increase by half. Applies Burning if already Hot. Apples Pained if Wet. Cancels Cold.

Order Effect

The Chronomancer maintains the effect for longer.

Lasts for 10 rounds.

Age or de-age a target.

Target gains up to 2 conditions based on the logical effect that aging or de-aging would cause as well as other roleplay effects at the GM's discretion. EG. A person may gain Loose Footed and Slowed.


Move distance is halved. Cancels out quickened. Stacks only effect duration. Fades.

Movement effects move this target double the distance. Removes all Pinned stacks. Stacks duration.

Chaos Effect

Go too far, causing a wildly different outcome than expected. 

Use harsher conditions and a great roleplaying effect.

Order Effect

The object changes to a relevant date that shines light on the Mark's life. 

The time the target changes to has meaning and that meaning is shared to the players.

The Chonomancer stops time around a target. 

Apply the Paralysed condition to a target. Apply 3 Paralysed to Occupants.

Lucid actions cannot be taken such as moving, attacking, Abilities that rely on a body or decisive rolls that rely on a body. Stacks. Fades.

Chaos Effect

Only the torso is paralysed allowing the target to still move.

Target can still move.

Order Effect

The time stop, stopes their mind as well.

Apply Catatonic instead.

Cannot do anything. Stacks. Fades.

The Chronomancer brings someone else onto the same level of dream pacing as them. 

Another target Jack can do double what they usually can in a round for 3 rounds. 


Chaos Effect

The target does not cope well with this increase. The target receives a d8

Chaos Condition each round.

Chaos conditions are rolled on a list. The die roll determines the elemental condition that is applied.
1. Hot
2. Cold
3. Wet
4. Zapped
5. Grounded
6. Burning
7. Charged
8. Fugued
9. Shifted
10. Frozen
11. Paralysed
12. Petrified

Order Effect

The effect works both ways. 

Double the conditions received by the target also.

The Chronomancer can take the entire dream back in time.

Rewind up to 3 rounds/ 30 seconds reversing anything and everything that has happening in that time. 

Chaos Effect

Only half the dream is affected.

Roll one D6 for all those effected. If it's even, they are not affected.

Order Effect

The Occupants didn't get the memo that they could change it up.

Occupants will play out their exact same actions unless they are interrupted or interacted with. 

Tips for playing as the 

The Chronomancer is a specialisation that is very good at supporting other members of the party but is not independently strong. Your Abilities are where most of your power comes from so be wary when you start running out of abilities to use. Dream weaving can be useful to try to do minor slowing or speeding and some minor aging or de-aging stuff so use it when you are out of abilities.


Play a Chronomancer if you enjoy helping out your party while controlling the battlefield. 

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