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Lucid Jack

Mark Description

"I was filled with awe in the way they summersaulted through the air while breathing fire. Sadly, this was the method they used to melt all my occupants."


The Circus have mastered their coordination to learn a huge variety of skills. 

They are unique in that they don't level up in a linear way. Instead, each time they level up, they choose a talent to be trained in which gives them a new passive, a new ability and an extra use of all their previous abilities. Take care in the order you decide to level up. At level one you will pick one skill.




Fire Breathing





Lion Taming

The Circus is comfortable in front of a crowd.

The Circus finds decisive rolls that involve them performing for others one difficulty easier. 

The Circus is accurate and controlled in dealing with any thrown or caught objects.

All decisive rolls involving catching or throwing are one difficulty easier. 

The circus is used to being around fire so has built up a resistance to it.

When receiving Burning or Melting, roll a d6, on a 5 or 6 that condition is not received. 

Burning applies a random Basic Condition per stack at the end of each round. Cancels one Frozen stack. Cancels Wet. Stacks. Fades.

Melting applies a random physical condition per stack at the end of each round, these conditions are Deafened, Blinded, Broken, Severed Arm, Severed Leg, Executed and can be determined by rolling a d6. Removes all Frozen Stacks.

The Circus is able to vault over most obstacles with ease and develops a bounce to their step.

All decisive rolls involving jumping, swinging and other acrobatic feats are one difficulty easier. your base move distance also increases to 30 DU. 

The Circus learns a musical instrument they can use to impress occupants.

All decision rolls involving music are one difficulty easier.

The Circus can summon and ride a unicycle.  

Summon and mount your unicycle at any time, making your base move distance 50 DU and giving you the Loose Footing condition. 

Movement effects move this target double the distance. Removes all Pinned stacks. Stacks duration.

The Circus trains in magic and trickery.

Decisive rolls to deceive occupants are one difficulty easier. In Addition, Dream Weaving involving sensory effects and object teleportation are not affected by the increased difficulty effects of Order on the Chaos Scale.

A negative narrative event occurrence or condition received, usually due to only just passing a decisive roll.

Dream Weaving is one difficulty harder for each 2 points below 10 on the Chaos Scale.

The Circus learns how to tame unwilling creatures to do their bidding.

Decisive rolls to interact with creature-like occupants and dream creatures are one difficulty easier. 


Juggling - Fan of Knives

Fire Breathing - Fire Breath

Acrobatics - Vault

Instrumentalist - Set the Vibe

Unicycling - Unicycle Fling

Magic - Vanish

Lion Taming - Tame

The Circus jumps into the air throwing a fanning series of knives towards their enemies.

Apply d4 Piercing attacks to up to 5 nearby different targets.

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Pinned
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Pinned
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

Chaos Effect

The knives were laced with something sinister. The knives also apply Poisoned.

Poisoned applies 1 Hazed per stack at the end of each round. Stacks. Fades.

Order Effect

There were extra knives all along.

Apply an additional d4 piercing attack to each target.

The Circus takes a drink of flammable liquid, then spits it through a flame at their target. 

Apply 2 Burning to a nearby target and anything adjacent to it. 

Burning applies a random Basic Condition per stack at the end of each round. Cancels one Frozen stack. Cancels Wet. Stacks. Fades.

Chaos Effect

some of the fire licks at the Circus.

The circus and anything adjacent to them also receive 2 Burning. 

Order Effect

Its a clean burn.

Apply 3 Burning.

The Circle leaps through the air at great speed. 

Jump up to 100DU. Free ability.

Chaos Effect

break the ground on landing. Apply pushed to anything adjacent to your landing. 

Order Effect

Jump further than expected.

Jump up to 4DU if you choose.

Inspire another Jack with Chaotic or Orderly energy.

Apply the Chaos Conduit or Order Conduit condition to a Jack that can hear you.

The next ability will have its Chaos effect. Removes one stack when the ability is used. Stacks.

The next ability will have its Order effect. Removes one stack when the ability is used. Stacks.

Chaos Effect

The music is infectious.

Apply to all other Jacks that can hear.

Order Effect

The music lingers like an earworm. 

Apply 2 of the chosen conduit.

The Circus dismounts their unicycle sending it flying towards a target.

Apply Broken and Prone to a nearby target. quick ability. The unicycle must be picked up by standing next to it before it can be mounted again.

When making weapon attacks, use a die one size smaller for each stack of broken. Shatters Frozen or Petrified Occupants. Stacks

Move distance become equal to climbing distance or 10DU by default. Apply Grounded and Cover. Can be cancelled using a rounds movement.

Chaos Effect

The unicycle explodes on impact. Apply a d10 Chaos Condition to the target. You cannot remount your unicycle till the next scene.

Chaos conditions are rolled on a list. The die roll determines the elemental condition that is applied.
1. Hot
2. Cold
3. Wet
4. Zapped
5. Grounded
6. Burning
7. Charged
8. Fugued
9. Shifted
10. Frozen
11. Paralysed
12. Petrified

Order Effect

The Unicycle returns to you immediately.

Perform a Magic trick making someone disappear. 

Apply Invisible to an adjacent Jack, occupant or object for 5 rounds.

Cannot be seen.

Chaos Effect

An explosion of confetti erupts. 

Apply Distracted to Occupants and Jacks that can see you.

Order Effect

The old back of the audience trick.

The target may immediately move 50 DU to their choice of location.

The Circus tames a reluctant dream creature. 

Tame a creature-like occupant or a dream creature. This creature can be ordered to do tasks and can attack other occupants. Ever order or attack requires a decision roll dependent on what is being asked, If the task fails the creature is untamed. You may only have one tamed creature at a time. 

Some occupants resemble creatures and so use the creature rules from the Menagerie specialisation. These creatures can be found in any dream. 

Dream creatures are special creatures not created by the Mark or the Jacks and instead can be encountered randomly in secret areas of the dream. 

Chaos Effect

The creature turns on it's owner.

When the creature becomes untamed it attacks the Circus.

Order Effect

The creature likes the Circus. The creature will not be untamed on a failed roll.

Tips for playing as The Circus.

The Circus has a large range of supportive or aggressive abilities depending on which Talent is taken. 

Your first Talent should be the one you intend to use the most as you will gain many more uses of that talents ability.

You can do a bit of everything but are not particularly great at one thing so try to help with everything but also ensure that you share the spotlight.

Back to Specialisations?

Or perhaps you want to pick this specialisation for your Jack, in that case head straight to the affinities page.

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