Empathy Jack
Mark Description
"I felt helpless as my mind divulged its deepest secrets like a platter for the Detective to dine on."
The detective analyses their surroundings to determine key pieces of information held by the Mark. They are able to cunningly interrogate occupants without the Mark knowing that they have been probing around. Detectives are some of the most common Jacks as they are regularly trained by the academy. A good detective may not pack the biggest punch or impact the dream world the most, but they are usually essential to finding what you are in the dream to find.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
The Detective is trained in conversing with occupants without them becoming suspicious.
Decisive rolls to gain information from occupants are one difficulty easier. Additionally, failing these interactions does not increase the dreams hostility scale.
The Detective is perceptive and immediately gets a read on the occupants in the dream.
The traits of the occupants are revealed to the detective on entering a dream.
The Detective is trained in tracking down Occupants and Auras in the dream making it clear where they have recently been.
Take a round to determine if an occupant, Jack or Aura has been nearby at any point of the dream, if they have, also gain the direction they were going.
The Detective knows how the blend into the background of any scene.
Decisive rolls to hide are two difficulties easier and can be attempted almost anywhere.
The Detective can predict perfectly how occupants, Jacks and Auras will react to the Party.
Every round the way that the occupants will React to the Party's plan is revealed to the players early giving players one opportunity to change what they had planned to do. Additionally, Other Jacks and Auras have their plan revealed to the party in advance.
Occupants only ever react to the what the Jacks do each round so they only move and attack once the Jacks have moved and used abilities.
Level 1 - Pry
Level 2 - Critical Strike
Level 3 - Background Check
Level 4 - Insider Knowledge
Level 5 - Sabotage
The Detective probes deeper into an object having it change to give the detective more information about the Mark.
An object becomes linked to the Jacks goals. It may not have been irrelevant, but it is relevant now. Once per scene.
Chaos Effect
Probing too deep changes the changes all nearby objects to resemble the object looked at.
The chaos scale moves an additional +1.
Order Effect
The details found tie the setting closer to reality.
The chaos scale changes by an additional -1.
The Detective can identify a vulnerability in the target in order to strike a weak point.
Apply Wounded to an adjacent target. If the target is an occupant the detective may choose to apply Shattered instead.
-1 Lucidity. Lasts until the end of the dream.
The occupant's physical form breaks and is scattered over a large area.
Chaos Effect
The strike is too volatile.
Apply an additional d8
Chaos Condition. Occupant are Forgotten.
Chaos conditions are rolled on a list. The die roll determines the elemental condition that is applied.
1. Hot
2. Cold
3. Wet
4. Zapped
5. Grounded
6. Burning
7. Charged
8. Fugued
9. Shifted
10. Frozen
11. Paralysed
12. Petrified
The occupant vanishes and cannot be recreated or restored.
Order Effect
The strike is incredibly precise.
Choose between Wounded, Glazed or Panicked. Occupants are Disconnected.
-1 Empathy. Lasts until the end of the dream.
-1 Lucidity. Lasts until the end of the dream.
-1 Mentality. Lasts until the end of the dream.
The dream's hostility scale is at 6 or below.
The Detective can learn the background of an occupant from a distance.
Gain the Name, Occupation, Connection to the Mark and first meeting place of an occupant that can be seen. Once per scene.
Chaos Effect
The Detective lets something about that person slip into the dream. Something related to that person enters the dream.
Order Effect
The Detective gains too much detail. Gain, extra irrelevant details like pets names, coworkers, info on their home town, their favourite movie...
The Detective gains some initial insights into the more twisted puzzles that Marks can make.
Gain a Hint to help solve a puzzle or learn the function of a trap without having any Consequence.
A consequence is usually a condition gained from interacting with something. I can be anything the GM decides though.
A Hint has the GM tell the Jack a hidden piece of information about a trap or a puzzle.
Chaos Effect
The puzzle reveals its traps to the Detective. The puzzles or traps consequences are revealed.
Order Effect
The puzzle reveals more than what was intended. Gain 2 hints.
The Detective has learnt to pre-emptively sabotage the abilities of other Jacks and Auras.
Stop the ability of another Jack or Aura from happening. Split Second Ability.
Split second abilities can be used at any time such as while a Jack is being hit by something.
Chaos Effect
The ability backfires in a way that benefits the Detective. The Detective chooses a new target for that ability rather than cancelling it.
Order Effect
The ability is sabotaged permanently. The cancelled ability can no longer be used by that Jack this dream.
Tips for playing as The Detective.
Detectives may not be flashy or dish out a load of conditions, but they get a lot of work done in trying to figure out what you came for. They have a powerful one hit take down for Occupants that makes up for their weaknesses in combat so use it wisely.
Use their abilities to try to hit all the side goals of each mark to give your party a boost in experience.