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Mentality Jack

Mark Description

"A walking pile of Iron came through the door with a whole lot of spikes, so many spikes". 


The Forge focusses on weaponry, memorising extra weapons for themself and adding extra augments to other Jack's weapons. 


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

The Forge creates another weapon each level.

Every level including the first, make another weapon you can carry with you. You can swap your weapon once per round as a quick ability.

Additionally, the Forge tinkers with the parties weapons.

Grant all Jacks in the party and additional augment for their weapons.

The Forge easily equips themself and others with armour and a helm.

Grant all Jacks in the party the Armour and Helmet trinkets.

You wear extra armour.

When receiving the Pained condition, roll a d6, on a 5 or 6 you do not take the condition.

You wear a helmet.

You cannot be Executed.

The Forge learns how to make more powerful augments for weapons. 

Gain access to the Forge Augments list. These augments are limited to one per weapon. 

The Forge can easily identify the weapon augments of enemy occupants.

You know the weapon augments of the occupants at the beginning of the dream. 

The Forge has been working hard on their armour and helmets.

Armour for the party now reads "When receiving any Basic Condition, roll a d6, on a 5 or 6 you do not take the condition."

The 3 basic conditions are Pained, Hazed and Shaken.


Level 1 - Special Ammunition

Level 2 - Emergency Pulse

Level 3 - Firing Protocol

Level 4 - Arsenal

Level 5 - Reforge

The Forge has preloaded their weapons with ammunition.

Apply Burning/Cold/Zapped/Bleeding/Broken/Pinned/Pushed/Pulled with the next attack. You have one ammunition per weapon, per level. Quick Ability.


Burning applies a random Basic Condition per stack at the end of each round. Cancels one Frozen stack. Cancels Wet. Stacks. Fades.

All base move distances are halved. Applies Frozen if Wet. Cancels Hot.

Applies Charged if Flying or Loose Footing or already Zapped. Applies Paralysed if Wet or Mechanical. Fades.

Bleeding applies 1 Pained per stack at the end of each round. Stacks. Fades.

When making weapon attacks, use a die one size smaller for each stack of broken. Shatters Frozen or Petrified Occupants. Stacks

Cannot move. Stacks can be removed by using an interaction during a round. Stacks.

Move 25DU away from the direction of the condition source. Applies Prone if Loose Footing.

Move up to 25DU towards the direction of the condition source, stopping when it is reached. Applies Prone if Loose Footing.

Chaos Effect

"Ooops wrong Ammo."

Choose the condition at random by rolling a d8.

Order Effect

"Whoa, there's another in there." Becomes a Free Ability.

Free abilities do not count as a use of that ability for the sake of maximum uses per dream or scene.

The Forge activates the armour they made releasing a shockwave from each set.

Apply Pushed to anything adjacent to a party member.


Chaos Effect

The armour creates spikes on this activation.

The party gains the Spiked trait.

Order Effect

The armour is well fitted giving a grand look.

Makes empathy decisive rolls to lead others one difficulty easier.

Move 25DU away from the direction of the condition source. Applies Prone if Loose Footing.

Apply Pained to adjacent things that attack these occupants.

The Forge enables one of their weapon's automations.

One of the forge's weapons may move and attack each round on its own for 5 rounds. Once per scene.

Chaos Effect

The weapon gains sentience and a personality. 

The weapon is now an occupant with stats equal to the Forge. 

Order Effect

The weapons automation is surprisingly accurate.

The weapon gains the Orderly Augment.

The weapon rolls its condition die twice then the Jack picks which of the two conditions to apply. The die number with the chaos scale. 7- = 3 dice, 5- = 4 dice, 3- = 5 dice.

The Forge has figured out a way to fire all their weapons at once.

Make an attack with all of your weapons at once, choosing whatever targets for each. These can be affected by the forges first ability.


Chaos Effect

The weapons overheat.

Receive Burning but apply hot with each attack.

Order Effect

The weapons hit favourably.

Roll condition dice for all your attacks before deciding on the targets for the weapons. 

The Forge can reforge all their party's weapons on the go.

Change any number of augments of all the party's weapons. Once per scene.


Chaos Effect

Some Chaos was contaminating the workbench.

The Chaotic augment is added to all weapons.

The weapon applies an additional d4 chaos condition to the target. The die changes with the chaos scale. 13+ = d6, 15+ = d8, 17+ = d10.

Order Effect

The finest work was done.

The Orderly augment is added to all weapons.

The weapon rolls its condition die twice then the Jack picks which of the two conditions to apply. The die number with the chaos scale. 7- = 3 dice, 5- = 4 dice, 3- = 5 dice.

Forge Augments


The Weapon alights with flame.

Attacks apply an additional Burning condition.

Burning applies a random Basic Condition per stack at the end of each round. Cancels one Frozen stack. Cancels Wet. Stacks. Fades.


The weapon is terrifying to look at.

Attacks apply Feared on 3,5 and Catatonic on 7

Must move their full move distance away from the source of feared during the round. Fades.

Cannot do anything. Stacks. Fades.

Master Crafted

This weapon is perfectly balanced.

Reroll 1s, 2s and 3s on all attack die rolls. 

Homing Ranged

This ranged weapon no longer misses.

Your weapon can now hit things as long as they can be seen and are not Far (further than 300 DU).

Rocket Powered

Every hit has extra force applied to it.

Attacks apply an additional Pushed condition.

Move 25DU away from the direction of the condition source. Applies Prone if Loose Footing.


The weapon bounces or arcs to other targets.

Weapon attacks use the die above. Stacks with colossal. 11 and 12 both read "Executed". Attacks hit all adjacent things to the target.

Shatters occupants. Apply Paralysed then make a wake check immediately with +5 to the wake number. The GM determines other potential effects.

Tips for playing as The Forge.

The Jack benefits from planning and forethought, take some time to talk to your fellow players to decide which extra augments they would benefit from. 

You may think the forge is a supportive kind of Jack and they do have supportive passives but the Forge can apply a lot of conditions. The Forge's 4th ability for example is a huge burst of conditions so you could use it at the start of a battle to soften up a lot of enemies. 

Not only does the forge boost your weapon users but The Forge is a lot of fun when bolstering a party of non-weapon focussed Jacks to give everyone a bit of extra weapon options and survivability. 

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