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Empathy Jack

Mark Description

"It was weeks after the dream that I even realised I had been played by an influencer. The company accounts were drained and soon after I was fired, but somehow I don't even feel that bad about it."


The influence has trained in the arts of persuasion and influence that makes the Mark favour them. This could be resembled by them playing an instrument, singing, flirting, or simply conversing elegantly. They also are acute in noticing aspects of the Mark and their Occupants allowing them to take on appearances and behaviours of the Mark.


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

The Influence has a way with words and a silver tongue.

Decisive rolls while conversing with occupants in any way are one difficulty easier.

The Influence finds it easy to get the dream on their side.

Positive interactions with the Influence reduce the hostility of the dream by twice the amount. In addition, the dream begins at 2 less hostility.

The Influence is always favoured by the dream above the other Jacks. 

Any time the party would receive something from the dream like a trinket from positive actions in the dream, the Influence receives double the amount.

The Influence has an immediate presence in the dream that immediately spreads to all occupants so that all occupants know the Influence from the beginning of the dream and go out of their way to make a good first impression. 

An Occupant will always try to help or give a gift to the Influence on their first meeting. Additionally, other Jacks can "name drop" you once per dream to make a decisive roll for an occupant interaction one difficulty easier. 

The Influence is so admired by dreams that sometimes the dream places the Influence over the Mark in its priorities. 

The dream's occupants and environments always consider the Influence as Friendly or above regardless of the hostility scale.

Friendly is a state of the dream 6 or below on the hostility scale where occupants start to cooperate with the Jacks.


Level 1 - Attention

Level 2 - Demand

Level 3 - Disguise

Level 4 - Speech

Level 5 - "Order 66"

The Influence draws the attention to be focussed on them.

Apply Distracted and Paralysed to a nearby target. Once per scene.

If Judged, apply Glazed then remove Judged and Distracted. If Doubtful, apply Panicked then remove Doubtful and Distracted.

Lucid actions cannot be taken such as moving, attacking, Abilities that rely on a body or decisive rolls that rely on a body. Stacks. Fades.

Chaos Effect

The target immediately is drawn to the Influence. Apply Pulled.

Move up to 25DU towards the direction of the condition source, stopping when it is reached. Applies Prone if Loose Footing.

Order Effect

The target relaxes

Target becomes non hostile until attacked.

The Influence can demand an occupant to do as they say.

Give an occupant a task that could be completed in under 6 rounds or a minute. They will do everything to achieve that task as long as it doesn't involve them directly hurting themself, other occupants or the Aura. 


Chaos Effect

The demand is misinterpreted like a "monkey's paw". There is an unexpected consequence.

Order Effect

The Demand is executed perfectly above what was expected. There is an unexpected benefit. 

The Influence analyses the appearance, actions and movement to be able to copy them.

Disguise as an Occupant, Aura or Jack the Influence has interacted with. The influence will be considered as the Occupant, Aura or Jack by the dream unless they try to do something against their character and fail the related decisive roll. The disguise will break at the end of the scene.


Chaos Effect

Something is off about the disguise. Decisive rolls to prevent stay in character and not be found out are one difficulty harder.

Order Effect

The disguise is impossible to shake.

The disguise lasts the whole dream and cannot be broken.

The Influence performs an inspirational speech.

Apply Self-Confident and Focussed to all allied Auras, Jacks and Occupants that can hear the Influence until the end of the scene. 


+1 Lucidity. Cancelled by Wounded. Cannot be Feared or Judged

+1 Mentality. Cancelled by Glazed. cannot be Indecisive or Distracted.

Chaos Effect

The listeners get fired up.

Apply Hot as well.

All base move distances increase by half. Applies Burning if already Hot. Apples Pained if Wet. Cancels Cold.

Order Effect

The Influence feels inspired themself. Receive Self-Confident and Focussed.

+1 Mentality. Cancelled by Glazed. cannot be Indecisive or Distracted.

+1 Lucidity. Cancelled by Wounded. Cannot be Feared or Judged

The Influence convinces the occupants of a dream to turn on the dream.

Release a dream wide command that orders all occupants in the dream to follow that command for 10 rounds. The command can be at the detriment of the dream and can hurt the aura. 


Chaos Effect

The Command is not accepted by all and leads to infighting.

Roll a d6 for each occupant, only even numbered occupants follow the order, others resist them.

Order Effect

The command holds and occupants continue to follow it. 

The command lasts till the end of the dream.

Tips for playing as The Influencer.

The Influencer can fit into many different party setups but most likely won't work well if your party plans on slashing your way through all problems. It's a good idea to talk to the GM and other players to see if they plan on solving things in a mix of ways that your specialisation can engage in.


Even though you flourish in non-combat situation, they are unavoidable in most dreams at some point. use this time to support your combat heavy specialisations by controlling dangerous occupants.

Back to Specialisations?

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