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You will spend 95% of your time as your Jack so let's make a really good one. 


There are 7 key things that distinguish your jack that we will work through:

Æthers - Their strengths and weaknesses.

Specialisation - What they are capable of in the dream.

Affinity - The type of dreams your Jack likes.

Weapons - What they use to attack.

Trinkets - Objects they bring into the dream.

Memento - What they use for Wake checks.

Pilot - The person dreaming in the overworld.


The look and personality of your Jack is completely up to you though, so while you are working through the above sections, try to figure out how your Jack would look and behave. 


Jack Sheet

It's time to grab some pen and paper. Download the Jack sheet below so we can get started.



Your Jack has been training for years to be able to manipulate dreams so they may have areas that are well practised and areas that they are not so practiced in. This is resembled by the variation in the three Æthers that Jacks have.


You will place +1 in one of the Æthers, a -1 in another, and the last will be 0. You can also have 0 in all. These will be your base starting Æthers. hold off on doing this until you pick your Specialisation.


The path a Jack chooses to refine in their training is known as their Specialisation. This determines the Jack's Abilities and always active effects called Passives.

These Specialisations are also closely linked to the Æthers. Lucidity specialisations focus on controlling the body, Mentality specialisations focus on manipulating their surroundings, and Empathy specialisations focus on the Mark. 



This is a broader preference to how your Jack usually (but not always) deals with situations and acts in a dream. EG. the Warring affinity wants to fight a lot of the time.

The Affinity gives you some mechanical ways to lean into this preference. Jacks can also gain benefits when the dream is resembling their Affinity

As the Jack levels, they become more attuned to this affinity and gain passives and resistances due to this affinity.


Jacks memorise their weapons so that they can carry them between dreams.

Your weapon is customisable and levels with you, getting stronger, more specific in how it functions, and more consistent in the conditions it applies.
These weapons can resemble almost anything that you would like to have your Jack wield. 



Similar to weapons, Your Jack has trinkets that they can bring into dreams to help boost their capabilities in Dreams.

Unlike weapons, your Jack can change which trinket they want to bring with them based on the dream they are entering. 

They can only bring one in at a time though. 


Your Jack's memento is what they use to determine if they need to wake up or not. When making Wake Checks, they rely on their memento to help them to stay lucid and remain in the dream. 

Mementos add a variety of bonuses to wake check calculations.



Even though you usually don't play as your pilot, they can still affect your Jack. Your pilot's talents or fears can sometimes play a role in how a dream plays out. 

Your Pilot may also gain abilities they can use outside of the dream from your syndicate. 

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