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Lucidity Jack

Mark Description

"They stood at 8 feet tall and 6 feet wide, wielding a hammer the size of a small car, actually the more I think about it, the hammer's head might have just been a car."


The Mountain is large and imposing, but not necessarily aggressive. They use their size to intimidate occupants to get their way and if it comes to combat they have a whole lot of muscle to get them through. Mountains tend to pride themselves on being the biggest things in dreams and so they learn how to manipulate the size of their body which can be very beneficial.  

Mountains dish out a lot of Lucidity and physical conditions and can take a lot of Lucidity conditions. 


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Physical injuries have no effect on the Mountains strength and physical capabilities.

Wounded and Pained conditions are ignored when determining the difficulty of Lucidity decisive rolls, note that they still apply -1 to Lucidity. 

-1 Lucidity. Lasts until the end of the dream.

-1 Lucidity. Removed when rounds stop.

Wounds are never as deep as they seem for the Mountain.

When receiving the Wounded condition, roll a d6. on a 5 or 6, do not receive that condition. Note, if the Wounded condition is due to reaching -4 lucidity, do not remove Pained conditions if Wounded was not received. 

-1 Lucidity. Lasts until the end of the dream.

-1 Lucidity. Removed when rounds stop.

The Mountain hits very hard no matter the weapon. Weapons now roll using the die higher when determining their conditions. EG. a small weapon now uses a d6 and has access to the conditions on 5 and 6. Note a d10 weapon becomes a d12, the 11 and 12 read as "executes". 

The Mountain can channel their strength with more recklessness. 

Double the number of uses of the Mountains first ability. Double Jump distance. In addition, the mountain can take Shaken or Hazed to make a lucidity decisive roll 1 difficulty easier. 

-1 Empathy. Removed when rounds stop.

-1 Mentality. Removed when rounds stop.

The Mountain is always a bit larger than anyone else in the dream.

Size is 1.5 what it was. Gain +1 Lucidity.  


Level 1 - Wild Swing

Level 2 - Bull Rush

Level 3 - Battle Cry

Level 4 - Giant Growth

Level 5 - Stone Skin

The Mountain can push through the pain to swing their weapon rapidly.

Receive Pained then take an extra attack this round. once per scene.

Quick Ability.

-1 Lucidity. Removed when rounds stop.

Quick abilities can be used as an extra ability each round. Only one quick ability can be used per round.

Chaos Effect

The attack is extra chaotic. Apply an additional d6 Chaos Condition to the additional attack.

Chaos conditions are rolled on a list. The die roll determines the elemental condition that is applied.
1. Hot
2. Cold
3. Wet
4. Zapped
5. Grounded
6. Burning
7. Charged
8. Fugued
9. Shifted
10. Frozen
11. Paralysed
12. Petrified

Order Effect

What pain? Do not receive the pained condition. Becomes a Free Ability

Free abilities do not count as a use of that ability for the sake of maximum uses per dream or scene.

The Mountain charges towards a target like a bull. 

Move to a nearby target applying Broken and Pushed to the target and anything in-between.

When making weapon attacks, use a die one size smaller for each stack of broken. Shatters Frozen or Petrified Occupants. Stacks

Move 25DU away from the direction of the condition source. Applies Prone if Loose Footing.

Chaos Effect

A trail of fire is left in the Mountain's path. Apply Burning to the ground along the path. anything that passes through this trail will receive Burning.

Burning applies a random Basic Condition per stack at the end of each round. Cancels one Frozen stack. Cancels Wet. Stacks. Fades.

Order Effect

The charge is a direct hit. 

Apply Pinned instead of Pushed to the target.

Move 25DU away from the direction of the condition source. Applies Prone if Loose Footing.

The Mountain performs a battle cry that shakes the ground around them.

Apply Shaken to all enemies that can hear you. Quick ability. Once per scene.

-1 Empathy. Removed when rounds stop.

Chaos Effect

The cry is so loud it shakes everyone.

Apply shaken to everything that can hear the cry. Trees, walls, allies.

Order Effect

The cry inspires your allies.

Apply Self-Confident to yourself and your allies until the end of this scene.

+1 Lucidity. Cancelled by Wounded. Cannot be Feared or Judged

The Mountain envisages themself as a giant to grow in size.

Grow to twice your size for 5 rounds. This may make decision rolls easier or allow you to reach things or cross distances you couldn't previously. Additionally, Your move distance doubles and your weapon gains the Expansive augment (if it is already Expansive, it hits everything nearby the target)

Expansive weapons apply conditions to the target and all things adjacent to that target.

Chaos Effect

Grow to 3 times your size. 

Tripple move distance, weapons hit all nearby the target. 

Order Effect

Growing double your size also doubles your brain mass. +2 to Mentality.

The Mountain's skin becomes that of a mountain and turns to stone. 

Receive Grounded and Immunity to Pained, Wounded, Bleeding, Broken, Pinned, SeveredExecuted, and Petrified until the next scene.

Chaos Effect

The stone is molten. Apply Burning to the ground where the mountain steps. anything that passes through this trail will receive Burning. Attacks apply Burning.

Order Effect

The Mountains skin becomes that of diamonds that don't change.

Effects last till the end of the dream. 

Cannot be Pushed or Pulled. Removes Flying. Applied Pinned if already Grounded. Fades. Removes Charged.

Immunity means that certain conditions cannot be received by those Immune to them.

-1 Lucidity. Removed when rounds stop.

-1 Lucidity. Lasts until the end of the dream.

Bleeding applies 1 Pained per stack at the end of each round. Stacks. Fades.

When making weapon attacks, use a die one size smaller for each stack of broken. Shatters Frozen or Petrified Occupants. Stacks

Cannot move. Stacks can be removed by using an interaction during a round. Stacks.

Decisive rolls now take into account the missing limb when determining their difficulty. Attack rolls with Large or Colossal weapons do so using a d6 roll.

Shatters occupants. Apply Paralysed then make a wake check immediately with +5 to the wake number. The GM determines other potential effects.

Can't move, attack or use abilities that require movement.

Burning applies a random Basic Condition per stack at the end of each round. Cancels one Frozen stack. Cancels Wet. Stacks. Fades.

Tips for playing as The Mountain.

There are many ways to play this Jack, be aggressive or be a lovable bear with a heart of gold. 

Either way, the motto is, No pain, no gain. 

Get on the front line and take some hits so that your other party members don't have to. 

You are the brawn of the party and will likely want to solve things with your muscles but make sure you let your other party members try to solve things their way too. 

Your abilities are very powerful but have limited uses so try to save them for important moments. 


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