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A Mark usually has 2-5 Natures that determine their Æthers, and base chaos scale, as well as their occupant's traits and how they will react to different Jack actions. 

There is however nothing stopping you from boosting an Æther, base chaos scale, or adding an extra trait here or there. 

The Natures are categorised by Advantageous, Neutral and Disadvantageous, Adversarial for the Jacks. The more advantageous natures, the easier for the Jacks. As Jack gain levels, give your Marks more disadvantageous Natures.



These are natures that Jacks can take advantage of more easily. 


This Mark's occupants are quick to side with the Jacks. In conflicts they very quickly give up and wonder why they started fighting. 

 -1 Empathy, -2 dream hostility, Held Strikes, Helpers


The dream operates a bit slower than usual, Occupants are easy to follow as they move slower, Occupants give you time in conversations.

-1 Mentality, Understanding, Slow


Self Concious

The Mark and their occupants are uncomfortable with themself and struggle to hold their forms together especially when challenged.

-1 LuciditySneaky


This mark and their occupants avoid fighting and quickly back down if intimidated. 

-1 Lucidity, Freezes, Held Strikes


The Mark and their Occupants will panic and then run away at the first sign of conflict. 

-1 Lucidity, Freezes, Flees


The Mark's dream is a collection of seemingly random themes and ideas that don't seem to be connected.

-1 Mentality, Random+2 starting chaos scale



These are natures that Jacks need to work around but aren't overly difficult to work around. 

Busy Brained

There are double the number of occupants than the usual in these Mark's dreams. These dreams are also busy with occupants running around everywhere. 

+1 Empathy, fast

Sci-Fi Fantasy

This Mark sets their dreams in vast fantasy worlds with more fantasy inspired occupants including all manner of creatures.

+1 Mentality, Creatures, Ranged

Sea Lover

The Mark's dreams often take place near or around the sea or a body of water. Often the marks imagination creates creatures that lurk in the water.

Aquatic, Creatures

Lucid Dreamer

The Mark is always present somewhere in the dream and so has an Aura in the dream that can be quite strong. 

+1 lucidity, Aura Present.


These dreams are filled with a wide variety of occupants and scenarios. These are often inspired by forms of art like paintings or music. 

+1 empathy, +2 starting chaos scale, +1 random weapon augment

Self centred

There are almost no occupants in the dream. There is always an Aura.

-1 empathy, +1 Lucidity, Brave, Lost

Weather Watcher

This Mark's dreams often have weather in play. Pick a weather effect from the Meteorologist's basic weather list.

+1 Mentality, Heavy coat. +1 element related weapon augment.

Weather Watcher

This Mark's dreams often have weather in play. Pick a weather effect from the Meteorologist's basic weather list.

+1 Mentality, Heavy coat. +1 element related weapon augment.



These are natures that are hard for Jacks work around but not straight up against them. 


The Mark and their Occupants are quick to anger and fight with passion.

+1 Lucidity, +3 to starting HostilityCombative


The Mark and their occupants think they are pretty smart.

+2 Mentality, Brainy, +2 weapon augments.


This marks dreams are riddled with Chaotic activity. Chaos rifts appear that apply chaos conditions to anything nearby. 

The Mark starts making wake checks at 20 on the chaos scale. 

+5 to the starting Chaos Scale, Chaotic weapon augment


The Mark and their occupants are suspicious of the Jacks.

+1 Empathy +3 starting dream hostility, Keen eyed, Cagey


The Mark and their occupants are tough and can take a lot of Lucid conditions. 

Strong, Armoured


The Mark starts making wake checks at 15 on the chaos scale.

Take care not to get stuck in these dreams forever. The dreams chaos scale decreases by 2 each scene.

-2 to the starting chaos scale, Orderly weapon augment. 


These Natures work straight up against the Jacks and only really come into play when player reach high levels.

Locked Down

Theis mark's dreams are always on lockdown. They are filled with traps and obstacles. 

+5 to dream hostility, +2 weapon augments, Armoured, Keen Eyed, Cagey


The Mark is a battle tactician that ensures their occupants are positioning themself to take advantage of the Jacks. 

+1 mentality, +3 starting dream hostility, Ambushers, Focus fire, +2 weapon augments.

Fem Fatale

The Mark and their occupants will use their charm to manipulate the occupants. Usually has an Aura, The Aura and Occupants can ignore the dream hostility once per scene to turn on the players even if they are friendly or allied.

+2 Empathy, Cute, +1 weapon augment


The Mark's dreams mirror those of horror films where the occupants are out to get the Jacks. one player always receives a nightmare from these dreams.

+1 empathy, +5 dream hostility, Brave, +3 weapon augments


The Mark's dream is never quite what it seams and twists and changes often at the detriment of the Jacks. Traps, hidden paths and illusions are everywhere. 

+1 mentality, +3 starting Chaos scale, mimic, sneak, +1 weapon augment.


This Mark's dreams contain monsters that prowl around the dream. The creatures are always considered violent towards the Jacks even if the occupants are not.  

+1 lucidity, +3 dream hostility, Creatures, Ambushers

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