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Occupants are the NPCs of the dream and they can have deep personalities of very simple ones. The more important they are to the scenes and the more connections they have to the Mark, the more fleshed out they will be. 

It's a good idea to have a short list of people important to the Mark that could pop up at any time.

Occupants mechanical behaviour is determined by their traits. 

Example Occupant list

Think about who the Occupants would be in the dream and also who they are in the overworld to the mark.



These occupants can Dream Weave.


You may need or want to put some creatures into your Marks dream that aren't your usual occupants, you can use the size guide bellow to make these creatures. 


Fits in - 15cm cube

Speed - 50DU

Lucidity - -3

Mentality - 0

Empathy - 0

Weapon die - d8 cannot use physical weapons. 

Trait number - 3

Special - Has the invisible condition until it does something. becomes invisible again after being unseen for 2 rounds. 


Fits in - 4m cube

Speed - 30DU

Lucidity - +3

Mentality - +1

Empathy - +1

Weapon die - d8

Trait number - 2

Special - extra weapon augment


Fits in - 1m cube

Speed - 25DU

Lucidity - -1

Mentality - 0

Empathy - 0

Weapon die - d4

Trait number - 2

Special - extra attack


Fits in - 16m cube

Speed - 50DU

Lucidity - +5

Mentality - +3

Empathy - +3

Weapon die - d10

Trait number - 5

Special - Is so intimidating that normal occupants will spend the first round running in fear. Cancels if the dream is CooperativeCancels if the occupants have the Brave trait.


Fits in - 25m cube

Speed - 1DU

Lucidity - +1

Mentality - 0

Empathy - 0

Weapon die - d6

Trait number - 3

Special - nil

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