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Play Tips

Congratulations! you have created your Æther Jack!

Before we get started, let's go over some final tips to help you enjoy your play experience.

The Party

Pilots come together as a party and get to know each other in the Over World. For this reason, they may be highly tactical or more nonchalant about how they coordinate. 


It is a good idea to discuss with your other players how coordinated and synergistic your Jacks are going to be. There are many possibilities to create a team of highly synergistic Jacks that all play off of each other's strengths. Alternatively, you can be more relaxed and come up with plans as you go then see what happens. Both are fun ways to play with lots of unexpected combos between Jacks.


Eather way, it would still be a good idea to pick different Specialisations to avoid players stepping on each other's toes. 


While playing, it's important to share the spotlight so that everyone gets to have a go at playing the game. When deciding what you are going to do each round, give everyone an opportunity to put forward their ideas for what they think the party could do and work together to find a fun option. 

Dream Hostility

The dream is ever changing and during Jack creation there was a lot focussed on combat, but most of the time you will also be spending solving puzzles or communicating with Occupants. Dreams often don't even start hostile to the Jacks and some dreams are straight up cooperative. Remember your GM has a hidden scale for how hostile the Occupants will act towards you as well as how suspicious they are towards you. Your actions can move this scale in positive or negative directions so try to gauge from your GM where this scale is at based on their actions. 


Takamori's dream technology is not fully understood, with Jacks reporting unexpected and dangerous occurrences happening outside of the Marks influence. For this reason, it's always best not to go too far off track as the GM puts a lot of work into creating or learning interesting dreams to share with the players. In a dream the most detailed area is usually where the Marks head is at, and this is where the story wants you to go. Every now and then, the GM might drop a hint at something a bit different or off the obvious track. This hint suggests some kind of secret area with something either very dangerous or very rewarding right at your fingertips, assess your parties' conditions and decide whether you want to check out this secret thing. 


Getting yourself into trouble could result in your Jack obtaining a nightmare. Your GM will explain it to you if you are ever unlucky enough to get one. But roll with it, they can be very fun roleplay experiences. 

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