Ensuring that there are fun ways for the players to progress is important for the more episodic nature of Æther Jacks. The main form of progression is through gaining experience and levelling though there are other things that you can give players. You might give out custom trinkets that the Jacks found and can now use in other dreams, or you might give the Jacks custom augments so that they can customise their weapons further.
Also remember to progress your Overworld story based on the Pilot's successes and failures to give further purposes for entering the dream.
Goals + Side Goals
Players achieving their goals give 3 experience, side-goals give 1, so make sure each mark has at least 1 side goal.
Give the Jacks some kind of trinket, augment or other bonus each Mark.
Give out syndicate bonuses between marks and make sure that the syndicates story progresses between marks.
Time to Play!
It's time to gather your friends and get a session going. You can play with any number of players but generally 1-5 players with 1 GM works the best. As a GM, you simply need to create Mark with a few scenes for the players to work through or you can use "The Murder of Achilles Grey" intro campaign. Then your players will need to follow the steps on the website to create their Jacks.
Grab some snacks, a place to chill out, and have fun playing some Aether Jacks.