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Secrets are hidden areas, creatures or objects that can be found in the dream world of a mark. They do not have to be linked to the plot or goals of the Jacks and can instead be random interactions that shine light on the nature of dream worlds.


Secret Creatures

The world of dream hijacking exists in a cyberpunk future, put there is nothing to say that there can't be other fantasy elements in that world. 


Perhaps there are creatures that live in the spaces between dreams that occasionally wander a bit too far into dreams. Maybe a cat got lost in this space and now wanders from dream to dream. If the Jacks ever bump into the cat it could act like an oracle that tells the future. 


There could be errors in Takamori's tech that create glitches that manifest and spread, becoming ghosts the wander through the cables that connect dream hijacking devices to the next.


Whatever the creature is, it might follow the Jacks for a while and interact with them before leaving. You may run into them again many dreams later. 


Secret Areas

Straying from the main path may have the Jacks run into a hidden secret area. This area may shine light on the nature of some overarching plot point for your campaign that is yet to be revealed in any way. These areas are filled with incomplete information such as loose documents, shattered occupants and odd objects.


 Perhaps the area is a portal to a different dream entirely and if the Jacks are bold enough, they could go through to see what lies on the other side.


Secret Objects

There are objects that exist in dreams that have no reason to be there, they could be trinkets, mementos, or weapons. Whatever they are or wherever they came from, they have wild effects on the Jacks and can be brought from dream to dream. 

Example Secrets

You might only have one secret type that has snuck into the dream but for this I with give an example of a Secret area with a secret creature and a secret object. 


The Jacks have entered a new scene and landed on a jungle island after parachuting out of a plane. The beach with 3 sets footsteps leading up to a jungle path that heads deep into the island. The water behind you seems to stretch on forever and the beach is vast and long with an over hanging cliff face far along the beach. If the players decide to ignore the path and head to the cliff face, they will find a cave with a flickering light coming from within. The players should understand that this is a secret and way up the risks on going in at this point. 


Entering the cave leads down a path into a small opening, this reveals a strange kind of contraption about 5 meters tall and 3 meters wide. It is made of metal and has a large fire burning in the middle of it almost like a metal furnace. laying on top of the contraption is a cat in a space suit. It sits up and watches the Jacks approach, as they get closer, it jumps down and strolls up to the Jacks meowing expectantly. If a Jack pets and feeds the cat, it will create a magical hourglass in their hand. after a few minutes the cat returns to the contraption and enters it. after a minute or two the contraption starts bellowing smoke into the cave and rockets out into the sky. 


The hourglass is a memento that reads "All Wake Checks require 2 less to succeed on. In addition, when a wake check succeeds, revert all your Basic or Permanent conditions back to what they were 3 rounds ago."

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