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Lucid Jack

Mark Description

"The Jack never spent more than a minute in the same shape, shifting from lizard, to tiger, to some sort of mech warrior as they bit, clawed and blasted their way through my Occupants."


The Shifter has trained to manipulate their own body to take on the shapes of all manner of animals. They use these forms to survive the obscure environments that dreams can potentially through at them.

The shifter relies on a list of potential forms they can shift into found at the bottom of this page. 

The shifter may decide not to use a weapon, this allows them to focus on having an additional body part that can be changed at any one.


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

The Shifter is constantly morphing parts of their body to adapt to the dream. 

Once per round, the shifter may change a body part into one on the Shifter List. The maximum number of body parts that can be changed at any one time is equal to the shifters level. The Shifter may forgo taking a weapon and having a regular attack to increase the maximum number by one. 

The Shifter has envisioned a tail that can also shift into other forms. 

Gain a tail. It has no effect until it changes into something from the Shifter List.

The Shifter has learned to control an additional limb.

The shifter has an extra limb. It could be an extra arm, leg, or even an extra head. 

The Shifter morphed their animal claws and teeth to be more dangerous. 

Choose and augment that will be applied to all attacks in Shifter List.

The shifter has full control over the form their body takes.

The Shifter can have and change any number of body parts each round.


Level 1 - Shake It Off

Level 2 - Full Transformation

Level 3 - Camouflage 

Level 4 - Forced Adaptation

Level 5 - Primal Rage

The Shifter shakes off a strange condition happening to them.

Remove one physical or elemental condition other than Petrified. Once per scene.


Chaos Effect

Shaking off the condition doesn't go as planned. Instead swap the condition with a d8 Chaos Condition.

Order Effect

The Shifters body refuses to take that condition any time soon. The removed condition cannot be received this scene.

The Shifter turns their body into an animal.

All body parts become the same type from the shifter table for 5 rounds. EG. all bear parts. 


Chaos Effect

Something went wrong with the transformation. Roll the form taken at random, roll a d10 for each body part.

Order Effect

The transformation goes too well and the animal form cannot be shaken easily. Cannot change any body parts till next scene.

The Shifter blends into the background becoming invisible. 

Receive Invisible until the Shifter moves. 

Chaos Effect

Something mistakes you as the terrain and tries to move you. An occupant or the environment begins moving you. 

Order Effect

The Shifter blends too well and becomes part of the scenery.

Receive Pinned.

The Shifter shifts a Jack or occupants body part.

A nearby targets body part of your choice changes into one from the shifter table until the next scene. 

Chaos Effect

The Shifter loses focus at the last-second leading to an unexpected result. Roll a d10, for the form the body part takes.

Order Effect

Accidently change their entire form instead. Shifts all body parts to the form chosen. 


The Shifter goes into an animalistic rage. 

Gain 2 extra attacks that can come from any shifted body part. This lasts for 5 rounds. Quick action. Once per scene. 

Chaos Effect

The Shifters arms shift mid strikes. The attacks can be any attack from the Shifter List.

Order Effect

The Shifter focusses on precise strikes. Roll twice for all attacks and choose the condition applied.

Can't move, attack or use abilities that require movement.

Can't move, attack or use abilities that require movement. Frozen things can target themself with attacks and abilities. Stacks only effect the duration.

Chaos conditions are rolled on a list. The die roll determines the elemental condition that is applied.
1. Hot
2. Cold
3. Wet
4. Zapped
5. Grounded
6. Burning
7. Charged
8. Fugued
9. Shifted
10. Frozen
11. Paralysed
12. Petrified

Cannot be seen.

Cannot move. Stacks can be removed by using an interaction during a round. Stacks.

Shifter List

The following are not all-encompassing effects of changing body parts as there will be unique situations where changing a body part would give the Shifter an advantage. These would be discussed with the GM during the session.

All attacks listed are extra attacks that can be used in addition to doing other things in a round. 

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Blinded on the weapon table.

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Broken
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Broken
8. Paralysed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

Cannot move. Stacks can be removed by using an interaction during a round. Stacks.



Canine - d6 Bladed attack, Serrated. Scent detection

Ursine - d6 Blunt attack, Bludgeoning.

Reptilian - d6 Piercing attack, Poisonous.

Crustacean - 360 vision that can see extra spectrums of light. Immune to Surprised.

Feline - d6 Piercing, see Invisible 

Avian - d6 Piercing attack, Blinding distant vision

Amphibian - Underwater breathing, long tongue

Turtle - Underwater breathing. d6 Blunt attack, Pinning.

Shark - Underwater breathing, no land breathing. d10 Bladed attack, Serrated.

Octopus - Underwater breathing, +2 mentality

Cannot move. Stacks can be removed by using an interaction during a round. Stacks.


Right Arm

Canine - d6 Bladed attack, Serrated.

Ursine - d6 Blunt attack, Expansive.

Reptilian - Double climbing speed, d4 Bladed attack, Cleaving.

Crustacean - d8 Blunt attack, Bludgeoning.

Feline- d6 Bladed attack, Pinning.

Avian - 25 flying move distance if both arms

Amphibian - Stick to surface

Turtle - +10DU water move distance

Shark - +10DU water move distance

Octopus - two d4 Water attacks, Pinning+5DU swimming + climbing move distance.

Cannot move. Stacks can be removed by using an interaction during a round. Stacks.



Canine - Immune to Cold unless Wet.

Ursine - Immune to Cold unless Wet.

Reptilian - double the effects of Hot

Crustacean - Immune to Pained

Feline - 1 higher difficulty to be seen.

Avian - Doubles flying move distance

Amphibian - Receive Wet

Turtle - Immune to Pained

Shark - Apply Shaken if seen in water.

Octopus - Can fit through small openings.

Cannot move. Stacks can be removed by using an interaction during a round. Stacks.


Left Arm

Canine - d6 Bladed attack, Serrated.

Ursine - d6 Blunt attack, Expansive.

Reptilian - Double climbing speed, d4 Bladed attack, Cleaving.

Crustacean - d8 Blunt attack, Bludgeoning.

Feline- d6 Bladed attack, Pinning.

Avian - 25 flying move distance if both arms

Amphibian - Stick to surface

Turtle - +10DU water move distance

Shark - +10DU water move distance

Octopus - Two d4 Water attacks, Pinning.+5DU swimming + climbing move distance. 

Cannot move. Stacks can be removed by using an interaction during a round. Stacks.



Canine - +20DU Land move distance

Ursine - Receive Grounded 

Reptilian - Can move on water as long as move again is also used.

Crustacean - 4 legs each leg.

Feline- +10DU Land Move Distance. Double Jump distance

Avian - d6 Bladed attack, Pinning. half ground move distance

Amphibian - Quadruple jump distance

Turtle - +10DU water move distance, halves land move distance

Shark - +10DU water move distance, nil, no land move distance

Octopus - Two d4 Water attacks, Pinning.+5DU swimming + climbing move distance. 

Cannot move. Stacks can be removed by using an interaction during a round. Stacks.



Canine - Occupant interaction are one easier.

Ursine - nil

Reptilian - d6 Blunt attack, Cleaving

Crustacean - Double swim speed

Feline - Can move objects

Avian - Doubles flying move distance.

Amphibian - Grows back

Turtle - Breath from here

Shark - Doubles swimming move distance

Octopus - Two d4 Water attacks, Pinning.+5DU swimming + climbing move distance. 

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Bleeding on the weapon table.

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Broken
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Broken
8. Paralysed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Pinned
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Pinned
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Broken
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Broken
8. Paralysed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Broken
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Broken
8. Paralysed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Hazed
2. Wet
3. Wet
4. Cold
5. Wet
6. Glazed
7. Cold
8. Frozen
9. Frozen
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Broken
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Broken
8. Paralysed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Poisoned on the weapon table.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Broken on the weapon table.

Cannot attack, use abilities, or move again. Fades.

Cannot attack, use abilities, or move again. Fades.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Blinded on the weapon table.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Pinned on the weapon table.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Bleeding on the weapon table.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Pinned on the weapon table.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Pinned on the weapon table.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Broken on the weapon table.

The weapon also applies conditions to all that is adjacent to the target.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Bleeding on the weapon table.

The weapon also applies conditions to all those surrounding the Jack wielding this weapon.

The weapon also applies conditions to all those surrounding the Jack wielding this weapon.

Cannot be Pushed or Pulled. Removes Flying. Applied Pinned if already Grounded. Fades. Removes Charged.

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Pinned on the weapon table.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Pinned on the weapon table.

Cancels Burning. Applies Loose Footing while moving.

All base move distances are halved. Applies Frozen if Wet. Cancels Hot.

All base move distances increase by half. Applies Burning if already Hot. Apples Pained if Wet. Cancels Cold.

-1 Lucidity. Removed when rounds stop.

-1 Lucidity. Removed when rounds stop.

All base move distances are halved. Applies Frozen if Wet. Cancels Hot.

-1 Empathy. Removed when rounds stop.

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Broken
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Broken
8. Paralysed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Broken
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Broken
8. Paralysed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

1. Hazed
2. Wet
3. Wet
4. Cold
5. Wet
6. Glazed
7. Cold
8. Frozen
9. Frozen
10. Executed

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Pinned on the weapon table.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Pinned on the weapon table.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Broken on the weapon table.

The weapon also applies conditions to all that is adjacent to the target.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Bleeding on the weapon table.

1. Hazed
2. Wet
3. Wet
4. Cold
5. Wet
6. Glazed
7. Cold
8. Frozen
9. Frozen
10. Executed

1. Hazed
2. Wet
3. Wet
4. Cold
5. Wet
6. Glazed
7. Cold
8. Frozen
9. Frozen
10. Executed

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Pinned on the weapon table.

1. Shaken
2. Hazed
3. Pained
4. Bleeding
5. Pained
6. Wounded
7. Bleeding
8. Severed
9. Wounded
10. Executed

The weapon also applies conditions to all those surrounding the Jack wielding this weapon.

All base move distances are halved. Applies Frozen if Wet. Cancels Hot.

All base move distances are halved. Applies Frozen if Wet. Cancels Hot.

Tips for playing as The Detective.

The Shifters strength comes from shifting between different forms much more than from their abilities. Learn as many forms as you can to make the most of them.

The descriptions of the body parts are not all encompassing for what they do so you can work with your GM within the session as to whether changing a body part might help you out with a decision roll.

Be creative with your shifting outside of combat and during occupant interactions to get the most from the specialisation.

Back to Specialisations?

Or perhaps you want to pick this specialisation for your Jack, in that case head straight to the affinities page.

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