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Lucidity Jack

Mark Description

"They stood with confidence, as though they already knew they would succeed. Their armour glistened in unbelievable ways, almost as though it glowed from within. I was awestruck."


The Temple has memorised everything about their lucid body down to the last freckle. They are the pinnacle of fitness and athletic capability, but it has come at a cost. Temples are fixated on the form they take in the dream, so they tend to neglect the rest of the dream that revolves around them. It does mean that their bodies are rigid and unchanging which can be a huge benefit with the craziness that dreams can create.


Often a Temple will team up with a Chronomancer in order to slow down dream worlds so they can train for longer and harder, ensuring that every capability of themself is known and operating at peak performance. 


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

The Temple does all athletic tasks a little better. 

All decisive rolls that involve pure strength or athleticism are one difficulty easier. In addition, the Temple's base move distance is 30 DUs.

Anything that involved the Jack using their physical strength. EG. Running, jumping, climbing, holding onto things, punching things, throwing things etc.

The Temple has become resistant to external influences on them. When receiving JudgedDistracted, Doubtful or any condition received via a Chaos Condition roll, instead roll a d6 on a 5 or 6 that condition is ignored. 

If Doubted, apply Wounded then remove Judged and Doubted. If Distracted, apply Glazed then remove Judged and Distracted.

If Judged, apply Glazed then remove Judged and Distracted. If Doubtful, apply Panicked then remove Doubtful and Distracted.

If Distracted, apply Panicked then remove Doubtful and Distracted. If Judged, apply Wounded then remove Judged and Doubtful.

Chaos conditions are rolled on a list. The die roll determines the elemental condition that is applied.
1. Hot
2. Cold
3. Wet
4. Zapped
5. Grounded
6. Burning
7. Charged
8. Fugued
9. Shifted
10. Frozen
11. Paralysed
12. Petrified

The Temple has become swifter in combat.

Gain an extra attack. 

The Temple emanates a feeling of leadership and awe to occupants. All the party's decisive rolls to inspire or rally occupants are one difficulty easier when the Temple is around.

Anything that involved the Jack encouraging others to fight or act. EG. performing a speech or leading the charge into battle.

The Temple has mastered the position of their body within the dream. 

The Temple has a flying move distance equal to their base move distance.


Level 1 - Regenerate

Level 2 - Aimed Strike

Level 3 - Warm Up

Level 4 - Energy Beam

Level 5 - Meditative Power

The Temple can focus on their body to heal a wound.

Remove one Wounded condition from the Temple.

-1 Lucidity. Lasts until the end of the dream.

Chaos Effect

A nasty scar is left.

Receive Judged.

If Doubted, apply Wounded then remove Judged and Doubted. If Distracted, apply Glazed then remove Judged and Distracted.

Order Effect

No energy is used in healing the wound. Becomes a Free Ability.

Free abilities do not count as a use of that ability for the sake of maximum uses per dream or scene.

The Temple can carefully place a hit to ensure their desired condition. 

Apply the Bleeding/Broken/Pinned condition to an adjacent target. Once per Scene.

Bleeding applies 1 Pained per stack at the end of each round. Stacks. Fades.

Cannot move. Stacks can be removed by using an interaction during a round. Stacks.

When making weapon attacks, use a die one size smaller for each stack of broken. Shatters Frozen or Petrified Occupants. Stacks

Chaos Effect

The hit strikes wildly but with great effect. Apply all 3 conditions.

Order Effect

The Hit strikes deeply.

Apply 3 of the chosen condition.

The Temple focusses muscular power towards their legs empowering their movement.

Receive 3 Quickened. In addition, you cannot gain movement impairing conditions while quickened this way. Quick ability.

Move distance is doubled. Cancels out slowed. Stacks only effect duration. Fades.

Any condition that restricts movement. These include Slowed, Cold, Pinned, Frozen, Paralysed or Petrified. 

Quick abilities can be used as an extra ability each round. Only one quick ability can be used per round.

Chaos Effect

The Temple's quads start to burn. 

Receive Hot each round.

All base move distances increase by half. Applies Burning if already Hot. Apples Pained if Wet. Cancels Cold.

Order Effect

The Temple paces themself.

The duration becomes 5 rounds.

The Temple channels energy through their body to shoot a beam of energy.

Spend one round channelling then the next round fire a ranged beam of energy at a target applying Melting

Melting applies a random physical condition per stack at the end of each round, these conditions are Deafened, Blinded, Broken, Severed Arm, Severed Leg, Executed and can be determined by rolling a d6. Removes all Frozen Stacks.

Chaos Effect

The impact explodes.

Apply a d10 Chaos Condition to everything nearby.

Chaos conditions are rolled on a list. The die roll determines the elemental condition that is applied.
1. Hot
2. Cold
3. Wet
4. Zapped
5. Grounded
6. Burning
7. Charged
8. Fugued
9. Shifted
10. Frozen
11. Paralysed
12. Petrified

Order Effect

The beam is extra concentrated.

Apply Executed as well.

Shatters occupants. Apply Paralysed then make a wake check immediately with +5 to the wake number. The GM determines other potential effects.

The Temple channels their spirit energy to enter a higher state of being

Spend one round channelling then for the next 5 rounds you receive

Self-Confident, Focussed and Perceptive, you also gain 2 extra attacks.

+1 Lucidity. Cancelled by Wounded. Cannot be Feared or Judged

+1 Mentality. Cancelled by Glazed. cannot be Indecisive or Distracted.

+1 Empathy. Cancelled by Panicked. Cannot be Surprised or Doubtful.

Chaos Effect

Channel chaotic energy, releasing it with every attack.

Apply a d8 Chaos Condition to each attack.

Chaos conditions are rolled on a list. The die roll determines the elemental condition that is applied.
1. Hot
2. Cold
3. Wet
4. Zapped
5. Grounded
6. Burning
7. Charged
8. Fugued
9. Shifted
10. Frozen
11. Paralysed
12. Petrified

Order Effect

Channel orderly energy increasing the precision of your attacks. 

Roll 2 dice for each attack and choose between them.

Tips for playing as
The Temple

The Temple excels in combat so make sure you are the one taking hits for the party while dishing out some conditions. Make the most of your physical capabilities to help your party outside of combat. 

Also don't forget that interacting with occupants and that environment doesn't need you to have an ability so be creative towards your decision rolls. 
Take care of bragging or actively overshadowing other players during combat as you will likely be stronger but that is your role, and you are still working together.

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