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Weapons are ingrained into a Jack's memory. You are so familiar with your weapon that you can have it appear at will into your hands with little to no effort. 

The form that the weapon takes is free to be determined by you but has effects on how it functions. These functions are dependent on the weapons size, type and augments.


Weapon types

To start with, a weapon has 3 starting sizes. These are small, medium, or large. The size determines the weapon die used for attacks, small use a 4-sided-die, medium use 6-sided-die, and large use a 8-sided-die. 

In addition to this, small weapons make an additional attack each round and medium weapons have an additional augment

There are also 10 types of weapons 3 Physical, 4 Elemental, and 3 Abstract

The type determines what conditions you can apply from your die rolls. 

Augments are minor modifications to how the weapon functions, allowing you to customize your weapon further. 


At level 1, you pick a weapon size, a weapon type and add 1 augment to your weapon. 

Roll Tables for Weapon Types

Each weapon has a customizable condition table that determines the conditions it can apply. The following tables show the default tables for each type of weapon. Note that this goes up to 10 as there is an augment called colossal that can increase your weapon size further, giving a 10-sided-die roll. 


Augments let you customise your weapons to suit what you want your weapon to do, there are some that change the weapon a lot like the ranged augment and others that have smaller effects like the poisoned augment. 

These augments are the same that occupants can use against you.


A long ranged weapon.

The weapon can now hit things as long as they can been seen and are not far (further than 300DU). Ranged weapons use a die one size larger than your weapon's, the two highest rolls on this new die are now misses. EG a d4 becomes a d6 and missed on 5 and 6.


Wild swings arc around the wielder.

The weapon also applies conditions to all those surrounding the Jack wielding this weapon.


Chaotic energy comes from the weapon.

The weapon applies an additional d4 chaos condition to the target. The die changes with the chaos scale. 13+ = d6, 15+ = d8, 17+ = d10.


Has some extra mass to it.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Broken on the weapon table.


Chills targets to their core.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Frozen on the weapon table.


Is laced with poison.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Poisoned on the weapon table.


Can be used defensively to block incoming attacks.

The weapon makes it harder for enemy's attacks to hit the Jack. Enemies use a die one size larger to hit the Jack and miss on the two highest rolls.


Settles the user helping them to relax.

The weapon replaces 3 and 5 with "Remove one Shaken from the Jack wielding this weapon" and 7 with "Apply Perceptive to the Jack wielding this weapon".


Bursts the eardrums of enemies.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Deafened on the weapon table.

Short Ranged

Is able to be thrown or used at short range.

The weapon can hit targets as long as they can be seen and are nearby (within 25DU).


Hits a larger area.

The weapon also applies conditions to all that is adjacent to the target.


Orderly energy makes this weapon more predectable.

The weapon rolls its condition die twice then the Jack picks which of the two conditions to apply. The die number with the chaos scale. 7- = 3 dice, 5- = 4 dice, 3- = 5 dice.

Red Hot

Causes the target to be set alight.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Burning on the weapon table.


Is charged with electricity.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Charged on the weapon table.


Knocks enemies back

The weapon replaces 1 and 2 with Pushed on the weapon table.


Can easily be hidden or tucked away.

The weapon reduces the hostility scale by 1 at the beginning of the dream.


Builds its wielders confidence as they use it.

The weapon replaces 3 and 5 with "Remove one Pained from the Jack wielding this weapon" and 7 with "Apply Self-Confident to the Jack wielding this weapon".


Increase the size on the weapon.

The weapon uses a die one size larger and can now access those rolls from the roll table.


Bounces from one target to another

The weapons also applies conditions to another target nearby the original target.


Add special ammunition to the weapon.

The weapon can apply an extra condition of the Jacks choosing based on what it is loaded with. An attack must be used to load the weapon with the special ammunition. The Possible conditions are; Bleeding, Broken, Pinned, Burning, Cold, Wet, Charged, Pushed, Pulled, or Grounded.


Releases spikes that trap the target.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Pinned on the weapon table.


Has barbs that cause wounds to bleed more.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Bleeding on the weapon table.


Pull enemies towards the wielder.

The weapon replaces 1 and 2 with Pulled on the weapon table.


Puts its wielder in "the zone".

The weapon replaces 3 and 5 with "Remove one Hazed from the Jack wielding this weapon" and 7 with "Apply Focussed to the Jack wielding this weapon".


Targets the eyes of the enemy.

The weapon replaces 3, 5 and 7 with Blinded on the weapon table.

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